The Gold Standard in Coach Training

The only accredited Integral Coaching® training in the world that surpasses Masters Level International Coach Federation requirements.


Discover your
ways of being

In this free video, get a taste of how your current way of being influences change you are trying to make in your life right now. Gain access to aspects of a new way  that pop open fresh perspectives and a path forward that meaningfully supports you.


Embodied Transformation

There's a tremendous difference between theoretical
understanding and praxis — the ability to live the theory.

Integral Coaching Canada offers a coaching training program that delivers on the long held promise of the coaching field: to enable deep and lasting change in your clients.
Imagine a coaching training program that combines the world’s most comprehensive map of human development, the structure and discipline of a martial arts lineage, the inclusion and transcendence of a student's knowledge and intuitive capacities, and a proven track record for delivering lasting change — all within a space of deep care and uncompromising standards.

So much more than a certificate.

Skills. Service. Soul.

Learn how our rigorous training enables Integral Coaches to embody proven skills that change lives.


Free Live Video Call


Curious about Integral Coaching® and enabling change? Learn more, register for our FREE upcoming video call.

Explore. Register.

Browse our complete range of coach training programs and register online.

"Integral Coaching Canada offers what we believe to be the most complete and the most comprehensive coaching program available."

Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber

The ICC Advantage

Why we believe ICC represents the absolute leading edge in human development technology.

ICC Learning Community

Waking Up and Growing Up Together
During your studies and after you graduate, there are places of support for you as you continue your journey of waking up and growing up. Whether you are a practicing coach, retired, or working in another field, our private online community groups and offerings aim to support your ongoing growth and community connection.




2024 Reflection and Holiday Message - Supporting Student Journeys

Featuring Val Rosettani in Short Reads

2024 was a vibrant year of changes for ICC. In this article our Managing Director, Val Rosettani, shares an update and what to look forward to in 2025. 


Then and Now Part II: Journeys Beyond ACM

Featuring Susan Loree in Our Graduates
We previously shared a 2019 conversation between ICC Lead Teacher Susan Loree and a group of recent ACM grads. Now, four years later, all five of these wonderful souls have continued their ICC training and deepened their skill and embodiment as coaches.

We are thrilled to share the joyous reunion between Susan and our fab five coaches who eloquently speak into the factors that have shaped their unique journeys as coaches in training and what they gained, developed, and embodied throughout the process. (1:54:10)

A New Decade - Start Slow

Featuring Joanne Hunt in Short Clips
To begin the new year and a new decade, ICC Co-Founder Joanne Hunt makes a gently radical proposal: slow down, save your new year’s resolutions until February. Hear more about the quieter place that can allow your true resolutions to emerge.